Thursday, February 9, 2012

When Mother Nature Calls

From my first post on this blog, I said that I'd keep it real and share all of the ups and downs.

The following post is a down, brought to you by Mother Nature.

It all started yesterday.  And when I say "started,"  I think you girls know what I mean.  Aunt Flo came to visit and it turns out she's got a WICKED hollow leg.  Man, can that old girl eat.

I ate very well for the better part of the day, but when I got home from work, I was struck out of nowhere with ravenous hunger.

I mean, AUNT FLO was.

If it looked or smelled like a carb and it wasn't nailed down, it was consumed.

Ladies, you're feelin' me, right?

I may be exaggerating a bit, really.  My Aunt Flo's kitchen spree "only" took place over the space of about two hours.  It wasn't an all-day or even an all-afternoon event.  Casualties may or may not have included leftover Super Bowl queso and a PBnJ.  But I can't say for sure.

Aunt Flo knows, but she's not talking.

All I can say is, this does not represent the majority of my efforts to get healthy.  For the most part, I've been a VERY good girl.  The occasional loss of sanity does not give me the excuse to give up and consider myself a failure.

It's a learning process.  As long as the good choices continue to outnumber the bad choices, I'm on the right track.

So whatever your reason for locking yourself in the pantry while your kids bang on the door crying hysterically (because they know what you're doing in there with their Chips Ahoy), forgive yourself.   Or do what I do and blame Mother Nature.

Move on.  Tomorrow is another day. A better day.


  1. Ugh, me too!! I'm about to start, and combined with the most stressful week EVER, that's a recipe for failure. At least for a day or two. When the PMS subsides I'll get back on the horse (if I haven't already eaten it).

  2. Right there with ya... anything in your range you will eat - well that is how I felt...

  3. I had a day like that this week too... bad day at work and BAM!! All the carbs in my house were gone LIKE THAT. Today was much better. :)

    Hang in there!

  4. Wow, really. It's like you are my twin lost at birth. That looks nothing like me. But I started this week too, and I seriously get RAVENOUSLY hungry and crave carbs like crazy when it's that time of the month. I also tend to gain 3-5 lbs of water weight. So yeah, right there with ya'. I lost 1 lb this week too. But that's still 1 lb. less that I have to carry around. I've spent too much time worrying about the scale, and now I just want to be as healthy as I can be. I figure that if I'm working out hard and eating right 90% of the time, it will eventually show on the scale. Oh, and those push ups? My chest is killing me! I can barely put on my shirt in morning.

    1. Ouchie! Mine aren't quite that bad, but I'm slightly used to doing push ups because I usually work them into my routine a couple days per week. But I've never done them on back to back days for several days in a row, and it's a whole new world of discomfort!

      I figured the girls reading could relate to the desire to eat everything in sight once a month. So weird. Hormones are so mysterious.



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