Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Transformation Tuesday

I like to surf fitness and weight loss sites and blogs in search of success stories to motivate and inspire me.  It occurred to me one day last week that there are people all around me - REAL, breathing people who actually know my name and even go to lunch with me sometimes - who have had tremendous success and whose transformations are like something straight out of a 2 a.m. "no way that's not Photoshopped" infomercial.

But Photoshopped they are not.  These folks are the real deal.  And pretty much amazing.

So I came up with the brilliant idea of sharing their stories with you, in hopes that everyone, myself included, can learn from them and absorb even a tiny smidge of their persevering spirits.

I just know you're going to love this first one as much as I do.  She's my hero.  And just a gem of a human.  I want to be her when I grow up.

Nikki W.
Highest Weight:  198
Current Weight:  133
Height:  5'10"
Total lost:  65


Before getting married and having babies, Nikki had been fit, active, and athletic.  With each pregnancy, she gained some weight that  just didn't come off.  As she approached the 200 pound mark, she started to notice how she was feeling and didn't like it.  She became "that" mom:  the one who only wore sweats because trying on new clothes was too depressing; the one who dreaded putting on a swimsuit and heading to the pool with her kids; the one who no longer enjoyed date nights with her husband because she never felt attractive;  the one who "ruined" all the family pictures.

The unhappy one.

"I was done with all the emotional, mental, and physical crap that consumed my life for way too long. I wanted to start living! I wanted it SO BADLY that I looked at it as a challenge. I never fully believed all those before and after pictures of people. I thought it was struly impossible to transform in that way. So I started to wonder if it really was possible and challenged myself to find out."

At around 200 pounds


Like a lot of us, Nikki had a library of books and DVDs on the subject of weight loss.  She read and watched all of them.  Over the course of about 10 years, she would lose 20 pounds here and there, but would then turn around and gain it back because, as she says, she just didn't want it enough to stick to making the right choices when the temptations came along in the form of parties, holidays, birthdays, and so on.  Or, as some of us like to call it, "real life."

Losing weight and dealing with life's everyday temptations are just hard.  Really hard.  But anyone who knows Nikki knows she's no quitter.  This girl's got serious determination.   That fat didn't stand a chance.

Knowing she had tried and faltered in the past, Nikki decided to hire trainers and a nutritionist to help with accountability and support.  She acknowledges that not everyone has the money to spend for that kind of help.

"Because I wanted it so badly and knew that I tried on my own and wasn't able to do it, I reached out for help. I needed people to be accountable to and who would push me harder than I would ever push myself.  I looked at it as making an investment in myself. I can spend money on doctors and blood tests and pills to keep me going through life or I can spend money to gain knowledge about how I can take care of myself and my family for a lifetime. I know not everyone has the resources or money to spend. A lot of people do it on their own. It is honestly just a matter of learning everything you can about it and sticking to it no matter what."


Once Nikki got the help she needed and made up her mind to be successful, there was no stopping her.  No excuses.

"I did total body strength training three times per week and HIIT (high intensity interval training) four times per week. I worked out a total of an hour a day but made those workouts really count. The most important thing I ever did was stick (very strictly) to my meal plans. When I say strictly, I'm talking I would take my home cooked meal in a Tupperware container out to a restaurant with my family or friends and eat it cold while they ordered warm, good smelling food. That is how bad you have to want it. I can honestly say that I never cheated and that made all the difference. The beauty of it was that I still had cake, ice cream, cookies and chocolate without cheating! It is all about balance."

Nikki's diet consists of foods like oatmeal with almond milk, fruit, egg whites, brown rice, lean protein, veggies, and sweet potatoes, to name a few.  Some of her favorite snack foods include greek yogurt, beef jerky, almonds, and cottage cheese.  She treats herself to one cheat meal and one dessert every week to keep from feeling deprived.


Nikki says she gave herself a year to get it all figured out.  Her weight loss was slow and consistent, an average of about two pounds per week.  She wanted a lifestyle change and not a quick fix that would end in her resorting back to old, unhealthy habits.

"I wanted to know what it was like to eat healthy through all the seasons of life:  holidays, summer barbecues, vacations, parties, etc.  Slowly over the months, two pounds turned into 10, then 20, then 50, etc.  I just kept chugging along day after day.  Seeing those consistent results made me want to work harder and keep being strict with my food. It was working and still giving me the energy I needed. I was learning that healthy food was my friend and started looking at it differently. It was the necessary fuel to keep my body working hard and feeling happy. I was finally succeeding in not just losing weight, but feeling alive and happy again."


Nikki, who recently completed her first Ironman triathlon, still has fond memories of all of her sweet little victories along the way.

The first time she ran for five whole minutes.
Her first 5k.
The first time she was able to do 20 "man push-ups."
Tossing the leftover birthday cake into the trash.
Finding her abs.

And then there was that day she started to believe in herself.

"Every little small victory (another pound gone, another mile run, another treat turned away) added a spark to my fire and I believed I could do anything now. So I set out for my biggest accomplishment yet....to become an Ironman .... I still feel like I am in a dream. That it's not really real. That is until I look at a picture taken of me or I walk by a mirror and then the reality of all my hard work is right there. There is a difference in being prideful and proud, and I am honestly very proud of myself. I didn't think I had it in me. But I did. We all do if we want it badly enough. I can walk into a store and fit in anything. It's not a matter of 'Will that fit me?' but  'Do I like that style?'  I like to dress up now and go out on a hot date with my husband. I am teaching my kids how to eat healthy and they are developing new habits. But more importantly, I don't let my kids say they 'can't' do something.  No matter how hard it seems to them, I make them figure out a way that they CAN do it."


I wanted to know if Nikki had any encouraging words for those of us still struggling to get healthy once and for all.

She didn't disappoint.  I KNEW she wouldn't.

"Be patient with yourself and love yourself through the process. The healthiest way will not be the fastest. Allow yourself the time to get to where you want to be. Decide how bad you want it.  Do you want it as badly as you want to breathe?  If you do, then you need to make NO EXCUSES whatsoever...zip, zero, zilch, nada! Reach out for help if you can.  It will most definitely be hard. I like the quote, 'Being Fat is Hard, Losing Weight is Hard.  Choose your Hard.'  That is exactly what you have to do. Choose which hard you want to face and face it head on. Don't ever let anyone (especially yourself) tell you that you can't do it, because that is simply not true!

It is about loving yourself and appreciating your body. It is so important to be kind to yourself and to take time for yourself.  Your bodies and your spirit will thank you by showing you exactly what they - YOU - are made of."

Nikki has shown EVERYONE what she's made of and is inspiring those around her with her positive attitude, her phenomenal success, and her beautiful spirit.

I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see what she does next.

Nikki works out with Zackie the evil personal trainer

Nikki's invaluable support team:

Zac at Energy Explosion:  http://energyexplosion.biz
Greg at Elevate Triathlon Training http://elevateutah.com/triathlon-training/
Lindsey at Moxie Full Body Fitness http://moxiefullbody.com

And let's not forget three adoring children and her "hot biker/runner/swimmer dude" husband who are always there cheering her on to her next victory.


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